Israel is a country with a rich and diverse culture. It is commonly known for its historical sites, amazing food, and initiative spirit. On the one hand, you can find cities like Jerusalem that is home to the most famous and holy sites in the world and on the other hand, a city like Tel Aviv that is popular for its incredible nightlife scene and open-mindedness. Here are a few interesting facts that you may not have known about Israel.
Museums –
Israel has the most museums per capita of any other country in the world. In fact, there are over 200 museums, which include art galleries, historical sites, and unique museums like the Blind Museum, modern art museum, holocaust museum and others that you can’t find anywhere else.
Dog Friendly –
Did you know that Tel Aviv is the city with the most dogs per capita in the world? It is estimated that there are over 30,000 dogs living in Tel Aviv, which means that there is one dog for every 17 human residents. In order to accommodate this large number of pets, the city has 70 dog parks and dog-friendly cafes and beaches, making Tel Aviv one of the best dog walking cities in the world.
The Lowest Place in The World –
The Dead Sea is one of the most visited places in Israel. Most popular for its salty waters, natural minerals and the fact that no living being can live in its waters, but did you also know that the Dead Sea is the lowest place in the world? It is measured at 1,412 ft below sea level!

Really, Really Expensive –
Tel Aviv is an exciting place to live because it is home to some of the best bars and restaurants in the world, but did you know that Tel Aviv has also been ranked in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world? Be sure to save some money by checking out our post about the cheapest places to drink in Tel Aviv

Planting trees
Greener Then Ever –
Did you know, Israel has committed to planting more trees since its independence? With over 185 million trees and 280 forest areas, Israel is the only country in the world that has more trees today than it did 100 years ago!