Someone once said that in Tel Aviv there are more bars than people. We can all agree that it is not true but, it’s safe to say that the nightlife scene of Tel Aviv is internationally acclaimed.
Today we want to introduce you to some places that are much harder to find, but definitely worth looking. Check out the the most secret bars in Tel Aviv:

California Bar
1) California (upstairs bar) –
The California bar is located in one of the up and coming areas in the city – Levinsky market. The California is no secret but not many people know that behind a seemingly plain looking door there is a smoky dark room with all the perfect ingredients for the perfect date.
California bar: Hashuk 3

2) Nuweiba –
Much has been written about the Teder FM as one of the coolest venues in Tel Aviv but, only the well informed locals know that in front of the radio dj, there is a small and dark record shop which is also a bar.
Entering the Nuweiba feels like entering a different dimension, far away from the daily grind. With the perfect lighting and wood surrounding you, you are able to enjoy the melodic sounds coming from the big, old school speakers.
Nuweiba: Beit Romano (Dereh Yaffo 19)

3) Lucifer –
Located in the busy Alenby street, the Lucifer is hidden from the eye to regular pedestrians walking on there day to day engagements. If you manage to find the entrance, you will discover a dark room with tall (maybe too tall) bar stools and some tables. The coolest thing is that around the bar there are screens who broadcast the feed of cameras that are aimed at the street so you can actually spy on people while having a drink.
Lucifer: Alenby 97

4) Azazel –
Azazel, or damn it, in Hebrew is located in a passage, just across from the Lucifer (maybe there is something about Alenby st). This passage was once a famous club called Pasaz but have been quite deserted for a while,until some big names in the local nightlife scene decided to use the space and open a bar that will express their style.
The Azazel is a minimalistic place but with a lot of atmosphere and great cocktails.
Azazel: Alenby 94

One Bar
5) One bar –
This late night joint was established by one of the city’s most prominent mixologists, Dan Kraizer (Jin Supreme, Double standard). The vibe in One Bar is very grundgy and the crowed is very alternative. The peak of the evening in One Bar is usually around 3 am and you can never know what kind of adventures you might experience there.
One Bar: Mikve Israel 1

Next Door
6) Next Door (Meat Bar) –
Every carnivore in Tel Aviv knows to tell you that the best stack is served in Meat Bar, the most famous meat restaurant in the city. Not everyone knows though, that a few years back, a smaller place was opened by the same owners of the restaurant called the “Next Door”. The idea was that people who dine in the restaurant can continue their night with a nice drink after dinner.
As a gastro bar, the Next Door takes advantage of the great produce of the restaurant and serves delicious and elevated bar dishes to accompany the verity of alcoholic beverages served there.
Next Door: Shderot Chen 52